Research and Presentations


(By invitation) Tucci, R. (2024, April 4). ChatGPT chronicles: Navigating the emotional landscape of generative AI in higher education. InsideOCULA.

Attridge-Bufton, A., Harkness, C., & Tucci, R. (2020). Play Your Cards Right: An Information Literacy Card Game for Undergrads. In E. Kroski (Ed.), 52 Ready-to-use gaming programs for libraries (pp. 93-96). American Library Association Editions. Link here.

Attridge Bufton, M., Harkness, C., & Tucci, R. (2018). Play your cards right! Designing game-based information literacy. Open Shelf: the Ontario Library Association magazine.

Cross, E., & Tucci, R. (2017). The emerging technology collection at Carleton University Library: Supporting experiential learning in the university curriculum. Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, 12(1). doi:



Tucci, R., & Blake, A. (2024). Navigating the impact of ChatGPT on higher education: A year in review. Presented at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference 2024.


Tucci, R., Rivard, J., & Jackson, D. (2023). From high school to University: Bridging the information
literacy skills gap for students in transitional programs
. Submitted to WILU 2022 (conference cancelled) and
resubmitted to WILU 2023.


Attridge Bufton, M., Harkness, C., & Tucci, R. (2018). Play your cards right! The role of meaningful play in teaching information literacy to first-year students. Interactive workshop presented at the Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) 2018 [Link to conference page]. ***This presentation includes additional redesign components based on feedback from students and faculty. Additional feedback was reviewed from game designers at the Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning in 2017.


Attridge Bufton, M., Harkness, C., & Tucci, R. (2017). Play your cards right! The role of meaningful play in teaching information literacy to first-year students. Presented at the Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning 2017.

Apgar, J., Liebregts, E., & Tucci, R. (2017). Level up your Minecraft club. Presented at the Ontario Library and Information Technology Association Digital Odyssey 2017. (Invitation to present)


Tucci, R. (2016). Building the Future: Minecraft and LeBreton Flats at Carleton University MacOdrum Library. Presented at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Digital Learning Conference 2016 on May 17.

Attridge Bufton, M., Harkness, C., & Tucci, R. (2016). Gin! Playing cards to engage undergrads in finding academic sources. Presented at the Carleton Teaching and Learning Symposium on May 10. [Link to symposium agenda].

Cross, E., Schramm, C., Skerlak, S., & Tucci, R. (2016). Carleton University emerging technology lending library. Presented at the Carleton Teaching and Learning Symposium on May 10. [Link to slides] and [Link to symposium agenda].



(Forthcoming) Tucci, R., & Blake, A. (2024). Challenging ChatGPT: Information literacy skills in a generative AI world. Accepted to the American Library Association’s Annual Conference 2024.

Tucci, R., & Blake, A. (2024). Challenging ChatGPT: Information literacy skills in a generative AI world. Presented at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference 2024.


Attridge Bufton, M., Harkness, C., & Tucci, R. (2017). Play your cards right! The role of meaningful play in teaching information literacy to first-year students. Presented at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference 2017, on February 2, 2017. [PDF Version of the Poster].

Also presented at:

  • 15th Annual Library Research Forum (2017), on April 28, 2017 [link]
  • 83rd IFLA General Conference and Assembly (2017), on August 21-22, 2017. [link]


Tucci, R. (2016). Building the Future: Minecraft and LeBreton Flats at Carleton University MacOdrum Library. Presented at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference 2016, on Friday January 29th. [PDF Version of the Poster].


Acknowledgement in: Stephens, M. (2016). Connected learning: Evaluating and refining an academic community blogging platform. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science. 57(4). doi:10.12783/issn.2328-2967/57/4/4 [Link to Dr. Stephens blog].

Tucci, R. (October 8, 2015). Reality is broken: Why games make us better and how they can change the world by Jane McGonigal- A TTW Guest Post by Ryan Tucci. Retrieved from:



(By invitation) Richardson, L. (Host). (2024, June 12). Rethinking critical literacy: Librarians’ guide through the age of information abundance [Audio podcast episode]. In Reimagining intelligence.


(By invitation) Tell me about yourself interview


Fenn, Kirsten. (February, 2016). “MacOdrum Library Catches Colouring Craze.” Carleton Now. Retrieved from (link currently not working):