Why is front-page news so disheartening? Teaching historical newspaper searching

Okay, so maybe ALL front-page news isn’t disheartening… but let me give you some context. As the Communication and Journalism Librarian, I am preparing for a first-year workshop. In first-year journalism courses, I typically cover the following: Basic library instruction This workshop will cover the basics of library instruction (webpage, … Read more

Mastering the art of teaching in oddly configured spaces

Teaching is a challenging skill that demands adaptability and resourcefulness. I’m always interested in developing my teaching and one of the most memorable and impactful was reflecting on my physical teaching spaces. As educators and library instructors, we often find ourselves in situations where we have to teach in oddly … Read more

The profound impact of a single paper: How Savolainen’s “Everyday Life Information Seeking” transformed my teaching approach

Back in 2015, I stumbled upon a research paper that would significantly change the trajectory of my career. Little did I know that this seemingly ordinary moment would have such a lasting impact on my approach to instruction. The paper, titled “Everyday Life Information Seeking: Approaching Information Seeking in the … Read more

Teaching Philosophy: Building good foundations

I love talking about teaching and more specifically innovative teaching practices. One of my goals this year is to actually sit down and write an official teaching philosophy. A teaching philosophy helps you define your values, goals, and beliefs regarding both teaching and learning. This is really challenging! So I’ve … Read more

AI image generation: From text to images

A digital image displaying a matrix of green alphanumeric characters cascading vertically on a black background, reminiscent of digital data streams or the iconic 'Matrix' code rain.

Generative AI has been filling our newsfeeds and dominating discussions over the past 18 months. In this post, I explore the feelings I have toward AI image generation and the opportunities we have to teach information consumers about this powerful new generative AI technology.

Finding time: Writing for InsideOCULA

A vibrant 16-bit pixel art header depicts a person seated at a desk, gazing out of a window that showcases a dual scene. On the left, a winter landscape with falling snow and a snow-covered pine tree creates a serene atmosphere. To the right, the scene transitions to a warm, spring environment with cherry blossoms and a setting sun. The desk is cluttered with scattered papers and books, a calendar with pages flying off, and a computer screen, suggesting a busy work schedule. The image captures the balance of a writer's life, reflecting seasonal changes and the flow of time.

This post narrates a journey from losing touch with the cherished hobby of writing to rediscovering its joy at the OLA Super Conference. An invitation to contribute to InsideOCULA rekindles a love for writing, offering insights into balancing work with the pursuit of creativity.

Inside my tech bag: Unveiling the power of RODE Wireless GO II

A stylized blog header image depicting a vintage library setting with wood bookshelves full of books. In the center, a modern, detailed illustration of a microphone (Yeti styled) sits atop an open book, symbolizing the fusion of traditional learning and contemporary technology. Surrounding the microphone are various icons and doodles representing audio and recording equipment, signifying the microphone's utility in different scenarios. The image has a decorative border reminiscent of art deco style, with vertical bars on the sides that suggest sound level indicators. The color palette consists of deep wood tones, black and gray for the microphone, and light blue accents, creating a professional and academic atmosphere.

Discover how the RODE Wireless GO II isn’t just a gadget—it’s a revolution in teaching technology. Compact yet powerful, this microphone system transforms any space into a stage for clear, professional audio capture, enhancing my presentations and ensuring no student misses out, no matter where they are.

Letting go: An exploration of conversation in presentations

Colorful 16-bit pixel art illustration of a busy tech office environment with diverse employees engaging in conversations and working on computers, surrounded by bookshelves and floating icons representing creative and tech-related concepts

In this post, I explore the ideas behind an upcoming conference presentation I am working on for the Ontario Library Association Super Conference. Our session will harvest the power of conversations. This post explores the ideas behind letting go, embracing spontaneity, and navigating the bumps in lively, peer-to-peer discussions.