I had a great time going through everyone’s Virtual Symposiums! It’s hard to believe we’ve reached the end already!
Thank you to everyone
I’d like to thank everyone for their thoughtful comments on my blog and not judging my videos too harshly! As someone who likes to engage with the audience while doing presentations (acting off people’s energy and interests, etc.) filming these videos were much more difficult for me, but they were such a great experience! I hope to continue doing videos like this and working on these skills so that I can produce videos of a higher quality in the future.
As we look ahead
As we continue working on our MLIS degrees and our e-portfolios, and continue into our careers as information professionals, it will be important to stop and reflect on what we learned here about the #hyperlinked library. Technology will continue to advance and new exciting toys and gadgets will emerge. While technology can be a wonderful tool, we must not forget the human connection that underlies these new technologies in the library.
I plan to export my INFO 287 blog to my WordPress.com site and continue to blog there. However, in the coming weeks I plan to move my free WordPress.com site (https://the8bitlibrarian.wordpress.com/) over to a hosted WordPress.org site. Keep an eye out on my WordPress.com blog for information on the migration. If you are interested in staying connected I’d love for everyone to follow my blog and if you plan on continuing on with your writing, to share your new hosting site with me so that I can add your RSS feed to my Feedly.
Thank you all again and I wish you all the best of luck moving forward!
I’d like to invite everyone to connect with me through various social media channels (which I will post to the course frontpage as well).
Social Media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/8_bit_librarian