Mastering NVivo: Unveiling the cornerstones of effective teaching

A vibrant and colorful illustration for a blog header featuring a central laptop screen displaying 'NVivo' software, surrounded by an energetic assortment of educational icons like books, graduation caps, gears, light bulbs, and DNA strands. Below the screen is a richly stacked array of books, signifying a foundation of knowledge. The playful and dynamic design is set against a light blue background, symbolizing a blend of technology and education.

Reflecting on teaching NVivo to graduate students, a task filled with challenges and revelations. Discover how laying a solid foundation in NVivo’s complexities is crucial for success in qualitative analysis. Join me as I delve into the importance of strong pedagogical approaches and the plans to revolutionize NVivo education, ensuring students are well-equipped for their research endeavors.

Teaching philosophy series: Shaky foundations

In the “Shaky foundations” section, I discuss a metaphor I encountered early in my career that has significantly influenced my teaching philosophy. This metaphor has become a guiding principle for my instructional design, emphasizing the critical role of building strong foundations to support advanced learning and research.

Teaching philosophy series: Pursuing university via the Enriched Support Program

In the “Pursuing university via the Enriched Support Program” section, I recount my acceptance into the Enriched Support Program (ESP) at Carleton University, which provided me with the opportunity to gain eligibility for university admission while earning first-year university credits. Despite initial uncertainty about my future, the program turned out to be a supportive and influential experience, shaping my instructional design process in a profound way.