Information Seeking Behavior, User Experience, and Community Member Interview for Minecraft

The internet has changed the way users seek and consume information. Identifying how users are doing this is the key to providing better user experience for library patrons. I had the opportunity to interview a member of my information community and an avid gamer/ Minecraft enthusiast. When interviewing an information … Read more

Information Seeking Theories including a Community Member Interview

Gaming communities are becoming interesting areas of study for libraries and information specialists. Not only are they an enjoyable pastime but they are becoming popular tools for teaching, collaborating and communicating. My research paper will focus on three theories that best describe and generalize the information seeking behaviours of gaming … Read more

My Research So Far

“Curiosity has the ability to reach deep into the soul and draw out the best and most engaging aspects of our personalities” (Kurti, R. Steven., et al., 2014). I found this quote when working on my literature review and annotated bibliography for my LIBR 200 research paper. I never intended … Read more

About Me: An Introduction for LIBR 200

We live in a time where information is vast, accessible and both easy and affordable to produce. To some, libraries are considered outdated and outmatched by the ease of online search engine super giants like Google, Yahoo and Wikipedia. As a recent graduate of the Library and Information Technician Program … Read more

Branding this Blog

For my first blog post I thought I would start by explaining why I chose the name for this blog and some of the history behind it. If you read my introduction post on the discussion board or my brief “About Me” section on the right hand side of this … Read more